I like this application. Its nice and makes me laugh
I like this application. Its nice and makes me laugh
this app is hilarious!!
ILaugh is awesome! U ppl should all get it
Hai, this is an amazing app. You should get it.
it is one of the best apps i know and use
Its great for a free app. I am not sure how many jokes gets submitted per day. I havent seen any repeats so it great for me
Helps pass time! Some jokes really funny!!!
Great app... keep it clean and light-hearted. Great job!
Its no use. Ill give you a medal if you laugh to any of these jokes.
Its good, there are all types of jokes but then again some people wont like some of the jokes so i would just filter it to top jokes if you really want to laugh or smirk
At least one belly laugh a day.Well worth it.
I like this app except for the little box in the top right that has numbers in it because it blocks the ends of some lines. I really like the app but think the box should be moved
Good app, some typos here and there and some other little things. Over all good for a laugh when needed
Some of the jokes are totaly hilarious others only slightly ha ha.
So funny in it.
Whenever Im bored or need a quick joke, I turn to iLaugh Lite which works perfectly (for me)
Make it with catigories
Its funny. I just wish it works without wifi
I laugh so much with this app!!